Thursday, March 20, 2014

Off to Bangalore!

In a couple of hours I'll be getting in the taxi and heading down the mountain to board an Indian train this evening. Leah (the orchestra teacher at KIS) and I are heading to Bangalore which is a 9ish hour train trip North of Kodaikanal. Although there aren't set plans right now, I have every intention of shopping like crazy, enjoying the ability to wear short sleeve shirts and capris in public, and maybe seeing a movie in the theater. The downside to all of this vacation wonderfulness is the current temperature.... 97 degrees Fahrenheit with 20% humidity, dear lord. I have a feeling I am going to have a new appreciation for Kodai's 75 degrees after a few days of constant sweat.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be extra safe in this new city, and will be back in Kodai with internet connection by Monday. Until then...

Kodai is point "D" and Bangalore is point "A". I don't think this is the train route, but it might be...

Oh and before I forget I wanted to share some of the pictures from Holi last Sunday! It was great! 1.5 hours of throwing colored powder and water balloons at students...I'm pretty sure I still have a streak of green in my hair, not to mention all of my clothing! Mariah pointed out what a great release of frustration it was towards some of the students we have :)

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